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4th Grade has a multi-cultural focus.  We still learn new solfege like low la, low so, and fa and rhythms like ti-ta-ti (eighth-quarter-eighth), tom-ti (dotted quarter-eighth) and ti-tom (eighth-dotted quarter) but we do it using songs from cultures all over the world.   At the end of the year, the 4th grade students put on a Multi-Cultural Showcase where they choose favorite songs and dances from the year to show in an assembly for the school and parents.  In the past, we have done songs and dances that were Chinese, Japanese, American, Native American, Filipino, French, German, English, and many more. 


In 4th Grade I can: 

~Move my body, listen to, and recognize music from a variety of cultures and composers

~Move my body, listen to, recognize and sing in a variety of meters (2/4, 4/4, ¾, 6/8), using correct terminology such as bar, measure, double bar line, etc.

~Move my body, listen to, recognize and sing in a variety of tonalities (Major and Minor)

~Review the notes Do, Re, Mi, So, La, high Do and Low La- and learn Low So, and Fa. I can sing them, read them from a staff and compose simple melodies with them!

~Review quarter, eighth, half note rhythms, and sixteenth note rhythms, add syncopated rhythms- I can sing them, read them from a staff and compose simple rhythms with them!

~Learn more difficult folk dances and present a show of folk dances from around the world to the school at the end of the year!

~Recognize repeat signs, as well as 1st and 2nd endings

~Know the terms Forte (loud), Piano (soft) and Mezzo (medium), accelerando (getting faster), ritardando (getting slower), crescendo (getting louder) and decrescendo (getting softer). 
~Classify the instruments by the four families of the orchestra.

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