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In third grade everything is continued and we start to learn more "musical" vocabulary such as cresendo, fermata, etc.  We continue our solfege with re and high do, and maybe even low la.  New rhythms this year include many variations using sixteenth notes such as tika-tika (or 4 beamed 16th notes), ti-tika (an eighth-note beamed to two sixteenth) and a tika-ti (two sixteenths beamed to an eighth note.)  


In 3rd Grade I can:

~Move my body, listen to, and recognize music from a variety of cultures and composers

~Move my body, listen to, recognize and sing in a variety of meters (2/4, 4/4, ¾, 6/8), using correct terminology such as bar, measure, double bar line, etc.

~Move my body, listen to, recognize and sing in a variety of tonalities (Major and Minor)

~Review the notes Do, Re, Mi, So, and La and learn high Do and Low La- I can sing them, read them from a staff and compose simple melodies with them!

~Review quarter, eighth, and half note rhythms, add sixteenth note rhythms- I can sing them, read them from a staff and compose simple rhythms with them!

~Learn simple folk dances

~Recognize repeat signs, as well as 1st and 2nd endings

~Know the terms Forte (loud), Piano (soft) and Mezzo (medium)

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